You have been separated from your girlfriend for some time now and miss her badly. Now you are wondering how to get your girl back back or if it's even possible to get her to come back to you. There are definitely proven methods you can use to get her back, although not 100% guaranteed, these methods have been used time and again to win back an ex.
First thing is if you were the cause of this breakup, you need to apologize to her now. You should talk to her on the phone when you do this so she hears your voice saying it, do not send a text message or email. If she won't answer the phone, leave a message, she will listen to it. Just quickly say your sorry, you now understand what you did wrong and say you have to go.
If you are lucky she may keep you on the phone a little longer with some questions, if this is the case just keep the talk short and answer her polity. This call would be your ice breaker, if it went well you will be talking to her again. If she was nasty with you, expect getting her back to take longer than you had hoped.
If the two of you hang out at the same places, you are going to bump into her. If you are out with friends and she sees you, make eye contact with her every once in a while and smile. If you happen to talk to her make it short and say you need to get back with your friends. This getting back together should be done slowly so you can re-establish a friendship with your girlfriend that is better than before, take it easy and do it right.